Sunday, June 28, 2009

2nd Meeting journals

1. How was your first week of stay at MCL?

My first week was great but still i need to have an adjustment to the people around me and with my daily because in my current stage this is not a high school life anymore this a stage that people needs to be independent and how we communicate with people around us so maybe ill just have to adjust and hopefully i pass all of my courses...^^

2. Describe your professors. What are traits do you find positive in each one?

Well all of my professors are very patient and understanding when it comes to discussing and quizzes they're so generous because that they sometimes exempt us in our seatworks and quizzes and sometimes they are giving us a consideration. . .

3. Describe your blockmates/section. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of your section?

In our section we used to get to know each other that fast because most of us are so sociable and all are easy to approach , luckily i am part of this section and i dont have any regrets studying at mcl...

i think our section's strength is we can easily communicate with each other and help whos in need but then our weaknesses is that we're always that noisy and stubborn that the profs couldnt stand sometimes hope they wont scold us that much..

4. How do you find your courses? Which ones do you think are easy and which ones do you think are a little bit challenging? Why?

All of my courses doesnt need to be taken for granted because we need to focus on every subject, especially "Math" because we are all incoming engineers and still i find that kinda challenging for me because actually i really like math but i always find it hard.. i dunno why... ^^

5. Do you have any adjustment you feel you are going through or must go through? What are they? Cite examples in terms in your academics, emotions, and social environment.

I think i need to adjust a little bit in terms in my academics, i need to strive harder to get a passing grade try not to disappoint my parents .. in terms of my emotions is sometimes i need to accept things in more complicated way and lastly in my social environment i must have an adjustment that i need to choose my friends in a way that they will not do anything that can ruin our studies but will make us do right things...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

What Is The Importance Of Values Education

Values education is 1 of the most important course in all school curriculum because in that subject we can learn a lot of things that we need to enhance our moral in our life because i think good moral is one factor to get this nation a good and success not only in our country but with ourselves.Without values education maybe we'll have a wrong thinking about the things in our environment like example its not really the president of the Philippines fault that makes our economy getting worse and worse at all but we don't know that we, too, the citizens of the country should be blamed for it because we only criticize the works of our higher officials and we always want the president change from time to time...

Without values education maybe we could not be a good moral person like we are now..

My First Few Days At MCL

At first its kinda hard to adjust to the people around you because way back in highschool we're just 13 in our class and our school campus is small so i need have an adjustment but then right now days passed im getting used to it already, i know i just need some time not to get so shy and get to know all of my classmates..

Well compared to my highschool life, my highschool days is the best of all because we did a lot of good times there with my friends,schoolmates and also our teachers.. Though in highschool u dont need to be that serious to get a passing grade, to tell you honestly and im sure all of us knows that, because in highschool we can cut class or just borrow your classmate's notebook and copy his assigments.. But here at MCL don't show yourself to your professor like 3 or more meetings and you'll drop..

For me i think college life is just a new chapter in our life to think that we dont like to do similar things we do in highschool life because we'll just waste our money time and effort if you dont take college seriously so for me i really have to do my best and be don't take this college life lightly...