Sunday, August 2, 2009

4th Meeting journal entry


By looking back at the list of my positive characteristics and qualities, i've realized that i only not have to say it but also do it in actual life because all of those characteristics is just easy to say but we can't do it that easy as we can say it...


I believe the saying “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” because that is one of my practices in my life, and i have a sense of gratitude to my friends and all other people who did something good to me.. Aside from that when i have given a wrong answer atleast they did not make me feel so wrong and to my professors they can make my answers not wrong or consolation to my answer,when i'm expressing my opinion during class or group discussion i would like to be respected on my opinion and so i would do the same for them, when i commit mistake they would understand....

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